Chin and Jawline

A weak chin and poor neck definition can have a significant impact on your facial profile and can cause your face to look out of proportion as the position of the chin is of prime importance to the facial profile.


The Benefits

  • Provide a defined jaw line/profile and stronger chin
  • Create improved facial proportions
  • Give balance to the profile of the nose
  • Eliminate a double chin
  • Tighten the jawline
  • Remove excess fat in the neck
  • A chin implant and neck liposuction can help give you a youthful profile


A chin implant and neck liposuction can help give you a youthful profile

A chin implant and neck liposuction can help give you a youthful profile

The Procedure

Weak chin and poor neck definition often makes a nose look larger and more conspicuous. In some cases, a double chin may result because the chin is too short. For this reason, a combination of chin implants, neck liposuction, and platysmaplasty are popular with both men and women.

Chin implants are made of synthetic material that feels much like natural tissue normally found in the chin, and available in a wide variety of sizes and shapes. This allows custom fitting of the implant to the configurations of the face.

Non Surgical Options

We understand that not all patients can take the time off for a procedure, even if it is performed under local anesthesia. Procedures have downtime, and often times our busy schedules interfere with our desires.

Kybella is the revolutionary injectable treatment for patients who have a double chin and are looking to improve their jawline. It improves the appearance of your neck by permanently destroying fat cells over a series of treatments. To accommodate this, non-surgical options are also available.

Kybella is the revolutionary injectable treatment for patients who have a double chin and are looking to improve their jawline. It improves the appearance of your neck by permanently destroying fat cells over a series of treatments. During your consultation, Dr. Mascaró will be able to tell you whether you are a candidate or not for this new treatment.

Another non-surgical, minimally invasive option is ThermiRF.

Our Philosophy

Dr. Mascaró will listen to your concerns during consultation and will have an open discussion with you during which he will evaluate and examine your facial anatomy. He will then make recommendations as to the size and shape of your implant.

Dr. Mascaró prefers silastic implants, which are made of silicone and have a long-term track record of safety. Despite the wide variety of implants, during surgery Dr. Mascaró will often trim and customize the shape and contour of the implant to tailor it. Liposuction is performed with a wet tumescent technique - a solution is used to reduce bruising and inflammation, allowing for a faster recovery time.

The ultimate aim is a stronger chin and jawline that is proportionate with the rest of your face so that the outcome is natural-looking, youthful profile. In order to achieve the goal of pleasingly contoured neck line Dr. Mascaró will sometimes perform a platysmaplasty at the time of surgery. This allows us to reach the goal of providing an appropriate balance for a rejuvenated profile